This recipe has been adapted from G Padma Vijaya's recipe in her lovely book titled Kerala Delicacies .
500 Grams Pork - Cut to size.
5-7 Green Chilies - Chopped.
1 .5 Teaspoons Garlic Paste.
1 Teaspoon Ginger Paste.
2 Onions Chopped.
1 Teaspoon Garam Masala Powder.
1 Teaspoon Freshly Pounded Black Pepper Powder.
1 Teaspoon Coriander Powder.
Coconut Oil
Mix all ingredients but green chilies and onions ,and leave the pork to marinate in them for 1 hour.
Take 1/2 Cup water , and pressure cook the marinated pork for 1 whistle.Take off heat and allow the pork to cool under pressure - 20-30 minutes.
Heat coconut oil , fry onions till golden brown , add chopped chilies and the pressure cooked pork , stir fry 20 minutes slowly adding any liquid that remains in the pressure cooker . Saute the pork under medium heat till done .Adjust flavors . You may tweak with a bit of lemon juice if need be .
Sikandalous Cuisine